Housing Details
MLS Link → https://s.paragonrels.com/goto/GgUPB1eRJ8w
Listing Price: $150,000
Sq. Footage: 1280
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Lot Size: .14acre
Click on MLS Link below for more information and pictures
MLS Link → https://s.paragonrels.com/goto/GgUPB1eRJ8w
Listing Price: $150,000
Sq. Footage: 1280
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Lot Size: .14acre
Here's a home you can make your own, improve your craftsmanship skills and in the end take pride in the fact that you were able to make it just like you wanted! Tons of character and a lot of potential to do some upgrades and build your equity. Design kitchen and bathroom layouts or work with what's already there to make improvements. The large walk-up attic adds the opportunity to expand your sq footage and the 2 car garage would be a great workspace. Close to school, parks and the lake/river. Enjoy a variety of eatables from your "food forest" in the side and front yards.
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